GSoC with mlpack

Weekly updates of the project - Transformer and BERT in mlpack

Author: mrityunjay-tripathi

Transformer and BERT in mlpack

Mon, August 29


Organization mlpack
Project Transformer and BERT in mlpack
Student Mrityunjay Tripathi
Mentor Mikhail Lozhnikov


In this report, I will try to sum up the work done during the 3 months as my GSoC project. The aim of the project was to implement the Transformer Model and the BERT Model in mlpack.


Contributions before GSoC

Project Work

Future Work

There are some things remaining to be implemented in BERT and related preprocessing of textual data. The textual data that has to be fed to the BERT model needs to be preprocessed in a special way known as Word Piece tokenization according to the paper BERT: Pretraining of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding.


It was a really thrilling experience with mlpack. The project was also challenging to implement. Almost all of the objectives were achieved and hopefully, those remaining will be soon completed and merged. I got to learn many new things in these three months like the concept of visitor and variants, using Valgrind and Leak Sanitizer for memory checks, creating documentation using Doxygen, building C/C++ project using CMake, writing unit tests using Boost or Catch2, the concept of serialization and how it works, etc. I just cannot compare myself six months back.


The mlpack community is extremely helpful and especially I am immensely indebted to Mikhail Lozhnikov who was there to help me at each and every point. Without his help, the project would have been very much complicated. I look forward to contributing to mlpack and enrich it in the best possible way.

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